What Is It?
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome / Tempromandibular disorder (TMD) is pain in the jaw joint that can be caused by a variety of medical problems. This can cause facial pain, chewing pain, snapping/poppling/locking of the jaw and headaches. Pain in the TMJ can be due to trauma, such as whiplash, poor posture, a blow to the face; inflammatory or degenerative arthritis, or poor dental work or structural defects that push the mandible back towards the ears whenever the patient chews or swallows.
Grinding or clenching the teeth due to stress is a frequent culprit. Sometimes muscles around the TMJ used for chewing can go into spasm, causing head and neck pain, and difficulty opening the mouth normally.
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How Do We Treat TMJ Therapy in Las Vegas?
We take a team approach to the treatment of TMJ problems by working with your oral care provider, whether that be your dentist, your orthodontist or oral surgeon to obtain the best results. Research has shown the importance of not only treating the TMJ but also treating neck dysfunction to obtain the best results when treating TMJ problems. Our treatment plans can include therapeutic laser, massage, spinal re-alignment and home exercise to normalize the function of the function of jaw muscles and joints.
About Hogan Chiropractic Wellness Center
Hogan Chiropractic Wellness Center is one of the top choices in Las Vegas, Nevada since 1993. Dr. Kenneth J. Hogan continues helping patients get pain relief and recover from injuries and disc herniations without the use of drugs or surgery.
Let Dr. Hogan’s experience and training help you regain control of your life even if you have been told you just have to live with it or that your problem is just part of getting old. Our results are obtained by using specialized hands on treatment, KDT Neural Decompression equipment, high powered therapeutic lasers, nutrients, concentrated oxygen and exercise to maximize your recovery.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please don’t hesitate to call us today at (702) 650-2227!